Hefo Organization


HEFO envisions a peaceful and democratic world in which all forms of poverty and social inequalities are gradually and progressively enhanced, and targets are realized in the medium and long-term by mitigating coastal and rural poverty and its underlying causes to attend to and adequately address through adoption of comprehensive and integrated policies and strategies.


HEFO mission is to promote all forms of economic activities, social and political processes that could foster economic growth, poverty reduction and equitable social development in coastal and rural communities.

HEFO recognizes that economic strategies that are growth-oriented but are not socially equitable and pro-poor have ultimately failed to address the root causes of public poverty and are hence unsustainable.

Our Action



HEFO overall goal is to promote sustainable livelihoods for rural communities through investing in poor people’s skills, capabilities, and assets as well as by creating the institutional and possibly establish a conducive environment to this process of transformation and also, to improve marine ecosystem management and protection.

Organizational Objectives

➽ Provide crash vocational training for those affected by shocks.
➽ Improve livelihoods and food security for urban women and enhance vocational training quality.
➽ Reduce poverty by increasing rural and coastal incomes through sustainable livelihood initiatives and community empowerment.
➽ Advocate for institutional and political changes to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.
➽ Address challenges to rural development in the Horn of Africa, including inputs, environmental, and technical issues.
➽ Improve seafood production in Somaliland, Puntland, and Somalia.
➽ Conduct data collection on fisheries and biodiversity.
➽ Improve rural health services.
➽ Increase water availability.


A maintainable strategy is developed to accomplish the all-out need to determine the problem with full participation for all indigenous communities, and program goals are attained with support from donor agencies and other stake holders.
Despite the immense challenges’ facing us in reducing poverty, HEFO is committed to adopting an integrated and cross-sectoral approach programme towards these challenges is the only way of ensuring success.

Thematic Areas of Focus

1. Expanding fisheries knowledge to the community
2. Environmental and Climate Change
3. Biodiversity, Ecosystem Management and blue Economy
4. Livelihood and Food Security
5. Gender Based Violence (Empowering women in Fisheries)


In the gradual beginning of associational programme, HEFO practiced and adopted community involvement and participatory approach by forming voluntary development committees that selected by the community in the target coastal areas and enthusiastically planning to establish similar fishery develop committees that would be selected by people who are involved in Rural activities

Scope of Work

HEFO has good relationships with government institutions in particular the Ministry of Fishery an d Coastal Development, Ministry of livestock and Fishery Development, Ministry of Environment and Climate change and other segments of civil society groups and international communities that operate in the same sectoral areas as well as media groups.


HEFO is committed to work for and with its target beneficiaries, including the destitute, vulnerable rural communities, as well as other marginalized, disenfranchised, and displaced groups.

Helping people help themselves

HEFO has the enduring belief that mainly by empowering people can build their livelihoods and proactively participate in building sustainable livelihoods and against all forms of social exclusion.


Transparency, accountability, teamwork, and partnership building with the target communities and peer organizations constitute the inherent core values of HEFO.

Respect and other ‘process skills

including negotiation, mediation, and consensus-building are further skills of HEFO that speak for its constructive engagement core policy.


“HEFO waxay naga caawisay sidii aan u horumarin lahayn dhaqaalaha beeraleyda. Qorshayaasha iyo tababarrada ay bixiyeen waxay naga caawiyeen inaan kobcino wax soo-saarka iyo ilaalinta deegaanka.
Waxaan ku mahadsanahay HEFO taageeradooda.”
Mohamed Ali
“HEFO waxay si weyn ugu caawisay horumarinta noloshayda. Tababarka xirfadaha ee ay bixiyeen wuxuu iga caawiyay inaan helo shaqo, waxaanan hadda dareemayaa inaan leeyahay fursado cusub. Mahadsanidiin HEFO.”
Amina Hassan

Testimonial title

"HEFO waxay naga caawisay sidii aan u horumarin lahayn caafimaadka iyo biyaha deegaanka. Tababarada iyo adeegyada ay bixiyeen waxay saameyn wanaagsan ku yeesheen bulshada. Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan u mahadceliyo dhammaan kooxdooda."
Ahmed Mohamed

Testimonial title

"HEFO waxay kaalin weyn ka qaadatay xoojinta haweenka magaalooyinka. Waxay noo fidisay fursado tababar oo qiimo leh, waxaana hadda aan ka shaqeeyaa ganacsi yaryar oo aan ku noolaado. Waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay taageerada ay bixiyeen."
Fadumo Ibrahim


Success Donation


Regular Volunteers


Wonderful project


Success Mission